Ky Nursing Home Justice


Help For Kentucky Nursing Home Dehydration, Starvation And Malnutrition

Our team of Kentucky Nursing Home Abuse lawyers is prepared to offer you and your loved one a free case evaluation for nursing home malnutrition and dehydration.

Maintaining appropriate nutritional and hydrational status is important in the nursing home setting. Residents who do not receive adequate nutrition and hydration in their diets are more at risk for the development of pressure ulcers, infection, muscle weakness leading to immobility and falls and poor nutrition and hydration make it more difficult for existing pressure ulcers and infections to heal. The elderly have less water content in their bodies than younger adults and a decreased thirst response, which, among other factors, puts them at risk for dehydration. Increasing fluid intake in the elderly is important and relatively simple. The nursing home should monitor the resident’s fluid intake and ensure that the resident drinks at least six cups of fluid each day. Fruit juices, popsicles and gelatin are an excellent source of fluid that helps residents maintain appropriate hydration.

There are a variety of factors that can lead to malnutrition. Depression, an increasing problem among the elderly, is a potential cause of malnutrition because individuals suffering from depression have a tendency to eat less and in turn to do not receive appropriate vitamins and minerals to prevent malnutrition. Other causes of malnutrition include difficulty swallowing and adverse drug effects such as vomiting and diarrhea. Nursing homes often fail to take steps to prevent malnutrition by not monitoring resident food intake and output, not providing a comfortable environment to promote eating and not providing food that is appetizing.

No Recovery, No Fee In Nursing Home Injury Cases

We take cases on a contingent basis, meaning that there is generally no cost to you unless we are able to recover a settlement or judgment on your behalf. We also front all litigation costs, meaning you need no money down to hire us as your attorneys. Litigation costs can include filing fees, court reporter fees for deposition, copying costs, experts, and travel. If you recover via trial or settlement, we are reimbursed our fronting of litigation costs out of any damages you are awarded. The actual percentage agreement between our firm and our clients may differ depending on each case. We invite you to contact us to discuss in more detail how we can help you, but please remember if there is no recovery, there is no fee